The data enrty for the month of March,2024 is open and will be closed by 8-04-2024 11:59pm     |  Gati Shakti- All the infrastructure projects costing more than Rs. 150cr under sanction Gati Shakti Programme may Please be uploaded on OCMS portal

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Programme Implementation Wing

Successful implementation of various projects and schemes constitutes one of the most significant conditions for development. Effective coordination judiciously matched with regular monitoring thus becomes an important element in ensuring their successful completion with improved efficiency at a greater speed and on a reduced cost.

Project Highlight's

  • --------- Quaterly Project Status As On Jan-Mar,2023-24 ---------
  • Total No. of Projects(reported): 1952 (Rs.150 cr. & above)
  • Total Original Cost : Rs. 27,55,676.40 crore
  • Total Anticipated Cost: Rs.32,66,261.91 crore
  • % Of Cost Over Run With Respect to Latest Sactioned Estimates : 9.12%
  • Total Cost Of the Completed Projects : Rs. 2,42,643 crore
  • --------- Flash Project Status As on May,2024 ---------
  • Total No. of Projects(reported)in May,2024: 1817 (Rs150 cr. & above)
  • Flash Report for February,2024
  • --------- Trends of Projects During the Last Five years ---------
  • Added VS Completed
  • Due for Commissioning VS Completed

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